Results for 'Malcolm C. Brown'

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  1.  43
    Policy issues implied by technologies measuring patient adherence to prescribed drug therapies.Malcolm C. Brown - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (4):317-318.
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    Plato's Meno.Malcolm Plato, W. K. C. Brown & Guthrie - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Dominic Scott.
    Given its brevity, Plato's Meno covers an astonishingly wide array of topics: politics, education, virtue, definition, philosophical method, mathematics, the nature and acquisition of knowledge and immortality. Its treatment of these, though profound, is tantalisingly short, leaving the reader with many unresolved questions. This book confronts the dialogue's many enigmas and attempts to solve them in a way that is both lucid and sympathetic to Plato's philosophy. Reading the dialogue as a whole, it explains how different arguments are related to (...)
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    The emergence of personhood: a quantum leap?Malcolm Jeeves (ed.) - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Despite the many well-documented similarities -- genetic, cognitive, behavioral, social -- between our human selves and our evolutionary forebears, a significant gulf remains between us and them. Why is that? How did it come about? And how did we come to be the way we are? In this book fourteen distinguished scholars -- including humanist, atheist, and theist voices -- address such questions as they explore how and when human personhood emerged. Representing various disciplines, the contributors all offer significant insights (...)
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    Reflections on the fortuna of Thomas More.Malcolm C. Smith - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 65-17 (1-2):23-31.
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  5. Answer to professor silver.Malcolm C. Smith - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (2):376-376.
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    Diffusion in evaporated films of silver–aluminium.C. Weaver & L. C. Brown - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (149):881-897.
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    Encoding and Retrieval of Information.C. Brown Scott & Im Craik Fergus - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press.
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    The first edition of Ronsard's Estreines au Roy Henry III.Malcolm C. Smith - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (2):213-224.
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    Two Unknown Poems by Ronsard.Malcolm C. Smith - 1985 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 47 (3):609-611.
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  10. Drugs, Morality, and the Law.S. Luper-Foy C. Brown (ed.) - 1994 - Garland.
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    A" Lost" Protestant Pamphlet against Ronsard.Malcolm C. Smith - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):73-86.
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    A Reformer's Reply to Ronsard's Discours à la Royne.Malcolm C. Smith - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (2):421-430.
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    Paul de Foix and freedom of conscience.Malcolm C. Smith - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (2):301-315.
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  14. Associations and dissociations in recognition memory systems.Malcolm W. Brown & Warburton & Clea - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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    Diffusion in evaporated films of gold-aluminium.C. Weaver & L. C. Brown - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (73):1-16.
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  16. Dylan at 80.C. Sandis & G. Browning (eds.) - forthcoming - Imprint Academic.
    2021 marks Dylan's 80th birthday and his 60th year in the music world. It invites us to look back on his career and the multitudes that it contains. Is he a song and dance man? A political hero? A protest singer? A self-portrait artist who has yet to paint his masterpiece? Is he Shakespeare in the alley? The greatest living exponent of American music? An ironsmith? Internet radio DJ? Poet (who knows it)? Is he a spiritual and religious parking meter? (...)
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    Categorical Ontology of Complex Spacetime Structures: The Emergence of Life and Human Consciousness.I. C. Baianu, R. Brown & J. F. Glazebrook - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (3):223-352.
    A categorical ontology of space and time is presented for emergent biosystems, super-complex dynamics, evolution and human consciousness. Relational structures of organisms and the human mind are naturally represented in non-abelian categories and higher dimensional algebra. The ascent of man and other organisms through adaptation, evolution and social co-evolution is viewed in categorical terms as variable biogroupoid representations of evolving species. The unifying theme of local-to-global approaches to organismic development, evolution and human consciousness leads to novel patterns of relations that (...)
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    Leonhard Euler's Elastic Curves.W. Oldfather, C. Ellis & Donald Brown - 1933 - Isis 20 (1):72-160.
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    Diffusion in evaporated films of gold—lead.C. Weaver & L. C. Brown - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (92):1379-1393.
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  20. Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Vol. III: The Consummate Religion.Peter C. Hodgson, R. F. Brown, P. C. Hodgson & J. M. Stewart - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (1):60-62.
  21.  32
    "Plato's 'Meno' with Essays," trans. W. K. C. Guthrie, ed. Malcolm Brown[REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 52 (1):117-117.
  22. Reaction-time to spatially filtered images.Jg May, C. Gutierrez, J. Brown & M. Donlon - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):496-497.
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  23.  45
    Immanuel Kant among the Tenejapans: Anthropology as Empirical Philosophy.Stephen C. Levinson & Penelope Brown - 1994 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 22 (1):3-41.
  24.  78
    Anosognosia in Alzheimer’s disease – The petrified self.Daniel C. Mograbi, Richard G. Brown & Robin G. Morris - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):989-1003.
    This paper reviews the literature concerning the neural correlates of the self, the relationship between self and memory and the profile of memory impairments in Alzheimer’s disease and explores the relationship between the preservation of the self and anosognosia in this condition. It concludes that a potential explanation for anosognosia in AD is a lack of updating of personal information due to the memory impairments characteristic of this disease. We put forward the hypothesis that anosognosia is due in part to (...)
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  25.  41
    Manuscript Illustrations of the Uttarādhyayana SūtraManuscript Illustrations of the Uttaradhyayana Sutra.Alvan C. Eastman & W. Norman Brown - 1942 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 62 (1):77.
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    State of the World.Robin Bell, Edward C. Wolf & Lester R. Brown - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (4):373-374.
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  27. Infrared absorption and vibronic structure due to localized polarons in the silver halides*.Richard C. Brandt & Frederick C. Brown - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 322.
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  28. Complex Non-linear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and Łukasiewicz–Moisil Topos: Transformations of Neuronal, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks.I. C. Baianu, R. Brown, G. Georgescu & J. F. Glazebrook - 2006 - Axiomathes 16 (1):65-122.
    A categorical, higher dimensional algebra and generalized topos framework for Łukasiewicz–Moisil Algebraic–Logic models of non-linear dynamics in complex functional genomes and cell interactomes is proposed. Łukasiewicz–Moisil Algebraic–Logic models of neural, genetic and neoplastic cell networks, as well as signaling pathways in cells are formulated in terms of non-linear dynamic systems with n-state components that allow for the generalization of previous logical models of both genetic activities and neural networks. An algebraic formulation of variable ‘next-state functions’ is extended to a Łukasiewicz–Moisil (...)
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    Gesichtsbedrohende Akte.Stephen C. Levinson & Penelope Brown - 2007 - In Hannes Kuch, Sybille Krämer & Steffen K. Herrmann, Verletzende Worte: Die Grammatik Sprachlicher Missachtung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 59-88.
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    "I Sleep, But My Heart Is Awake": Negotiating marginal states in life and death.Margaret C. Hayden & Stephen D. Brown - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (1):106-117.
    In the outpatient ultrasound suite of a major urban medical center, the mood is somber. A young woman lies tense and anxious. Pregnant for the first time, she has experienced early first-trimester bleeding. The radiologist relates the ultrasound findings: there has been a small hemorrhage, but there is a six-week-size fetus with normal cardiac activity. Translation: the baby is alive! The woman quietly sobs, happy but apprehensive.Across the drive, in the main hospital building, a young boy lies unresponsively comatose in (...)
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    The forum.Lawrence C. Rubin, Laura S. Brown, Walter M. Robinson, Andrew Sikula Sr & Lorraine P. Anderson - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (4):401 – 413.
  32.  26
    The Forum.Lawrence C. Rubin, Laura S. Brown, Walter M. Robinson, Sr Sikula & Lorraine P. Anderson - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (4):401-413.
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    et al.; López et al.; Medin et al.; Ross et al. Collard, M., 25 Collman, P., 302.M. Coltheart, A. Brooks, C. Brown, D. Brown, J. Brown, R. Brown, R. Bulmer, H. Bunn, R. Burt & V. Bush - 2002 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich & Michael Siegal, The Cognitive Basis of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  34. Update of Clostridium difficile infection due to PCR ribotype 027 in Europe, 2008.E. J. Kuijper, F. Barbut, J. S. Brazier, N. Kleinkauf, T. Eckmanns, M. L. Lambert, D. Drudy, F. Fitzpatrick, C. Wiuff & D. J. Brown - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  35. Boyes-Braem, P., see Rosch et al. Boyle, R., 347 Boysen, S., 69 Bradshaw. G., see Langley et al.K. Brakke, S. Savage-Rumbaugh, D. Breedlove, S. Brem, A. Brooks, C. Brown, D. Brown, J. Brown, R. Bulmer & R. Burt - 2002 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich & Michael Siegal, The Cognitive Basis of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  36.  13
    Environmental overlap and individual encoding strategy modulate memory interference in spatial navigation.Qiliang He, Elizabeth H. Beveridge, Jon Starnes, Sarah C. Goodroe & Thackery I. Brown - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104508.
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    ‘You Take Alasdair Macintyre Much too Seriously’ (Ronald Preston) — but Do Preston or Macintyre Take the Global Economy Seriously Enough?Malcolm Brown - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (2):173-181.
    Ronald Preston found Alasdair MacIntyre's analysis of plurality and incommensurability unconvincing, holding that, ultimately, a common rationality enabled disparate perspectives to achieve shared positions. This commitment made Preston sceptical of theologies which drew on MacIntyre to deny the possibility of meaningful dialogue with economics but he ignored the argument that shared liberal roots might constrain his own critique of market institutions. Preston's theological conversation with economics assumes a state-based capitalism, political dominance over economics and a thin plurality. Globalisation challenges such (...)
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    Effects of occupational violence on Australian general practitioners' provision of home visits and after-hours care: a cross-sectional study.Parker J. Magin, Jon Adams, David W. Sibbritt, Elyssa Joy & Malcolm C. Ireland - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):336-342.
  39. Happiness isn't working, but it should be.Malcolm Brown - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman, The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
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    Would you fund this movie? A reply to Fox et al.Timothy D. Wilson, Daniel T. Gilbert, David A. Reinhard, Erin C. Westgate & Casey L. Brown - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Pappus, Plato and the Harmonic Mean.Malcolm Brown - 1975 - Phronesis 20 (2):173-184.
  42.  53
    II. Comments on Brumbaugh’s Meno for Secondary Schools.Malcolm Brown - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (2):115-118.
  43.  6
    Tensions in Christian ethics: an introduction.Malcolm Brown - 2010 - London: SPCK.
    The book's purpose is to introduce the reader to questions in Christian ethics through a careful examination of the fundamental meta-ethical questions posed by the "state we're in," whether understood as a new phase of modernity or as postmodernity.
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    Jesus and Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions (film) Dir. by John Ankele.C. Denise Yarbrough & Sid Brown - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:207-211.
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    The effect of variation in the dose of benzedrine sulphate on the activity of white rats.C. W. Brown & L. V. Searle - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 22 (6):555.
  46.  30
    The Relevance of the Guna Theory in the Congruence of Eastern Values and Western Management Practice.Malcolm Innes-Brown & Samir Chatterjee - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (2):93-102.
    The relevance of the guna theory to applications of Western management practice is seen in this paper as an insight holding capacity to guide managerial behaviour. In its essence, the guna theory depicts values which constitute human personality into a sattwa-rajas delineation of deepened understanding, giving direction to action and which, in turn, illustrates negative values (tamas) likely to cause obstruction. For managers to appreciate this level of understanding, while simultaneously sensing those values which inhibit purposeful action, may be regarded (...)
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  47. Happiness isn't working, but it should be.Malcolm Brown - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman, The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
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    Thanks for the memories: Extending the hippocampal-diencephalic mnemonic system.John P. Aggleton & Malcolm W. Brown - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):471-479.
    The goal of our target article was to review a number of emerging facts about the effects of limbic damage on memory in humans and animals, and about divisions within recognition memory in humans. We then argued that this information can be synthesized to produce a new view of the substrates of episodic memory. The key pathway in this system is from the hippocampus to the anterior thalamic nuclei. There seems to be a general agreement that the importance of this (...)
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    Karl Marx's Social and Political Thought: Civil society, ideology, morals, and ethics.Bob Jessop & Charlie Malcolm-Brown - 1990 - Psychology Press.
    As one of the most central social and political theorists, Marx's thought has endured to become part of the fabric of modern conscience. These volumes provide students of politics and economics with immediate access to Marx's contribution to social and political thought and show how his work has been received and modified by others.
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    Book Review: Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Market. [REVIEW]Malcolm Brown - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (4):483-485.
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